Below you will find answers to frequently asked questions,
if you do not find the answer to yours, please contact us and we will try to help you.
  • What is MELINK? add_circle_outline remove_circle_outline
    MELINK is an innovative provider of SMART HOME solutions, which include a free intuitive app and a selection of products, which allow to change a regular home to one connected to the internet - enabling remote monitoring and management of existing appliances, lighting and electronic devices. Thanks to this, MELINK users can conveniently and securely monitor their homes from any part of the planet. Through the app users can build automations and fast “Tap & Go” commands and control all connected devices with a single tap or through virtual assistants. The MELINK app is compatible with Google Home, Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri.
  • What are the benefits of MELINK and Smart Home? add_circle_outline remove_circle_outline
    The leading reason to turn any home into a SMART HOME is for both comfort and security. Firstly, the whole set-up can be conveniently controlled through one app and connected to leading smart assistant solutions. Secondly, it allows us to control and access a variety of appliances and in-home features regardless of the user’s location. Users have also the option to build complex automations based upon location, time, and weather conditions or set-up schedules and timers with all MELINK products. MELINK allows Smart Home to be more accessible for everyone, giving them the possibility to Take Control of their homes.
  • What devices can be controlled with MELINK products and its application? add_circle_outline remove_circle_outline
    The MELINK application is dedicated to MELINK products. However, MELINK energy management products can be used to turn a variety of existing devices and appliances into connected smart home products, which can in turn be controlled and managed through the MELINK products. For example, connecting a lamp to a MELINK Smart Socket will allow it to be controlled or automated through the MELINK app.
  • How does home automation through smart home allow us to save energy? add_circle_outline remove_circle_outline
    Setting-up home automation allows us to efficiently manage resources, including electricity. Besides increasing convenience, smart home can indeed make a difference for the environment and also help to decrease utility bills. MELINK lighting products use energy efficient LED technology, which use less power than traditional bulbs. Furthermore, setting-up home automation, schedules, or timers in the MELINK application guarantees energy efficient management of home lighting, preventing lights to stay on the whole night. MELINK electricity management device allows for accessible management of connected devices, while the WI-FI SMART SOCKET itself provides an energy meter function, which provides the possibility to actively monitor energy use.
  • When is the best time to make your home a “smart home”? add_circle_outline remove_circle_outline
    Now! With MELINK you can effortlessly TAKE CONTROL of your home! MELINK products, connected with the intuitive app, will allow to effortlessly set-up a smart home environment in any household without the need to fully renovate it. Thus, offering the accessibility to smart tech, for increasing the security and safety for the family and home.
  • What do I have to own to make MELINK work at my home? add_circle_outline remove_circle_outline
    The only thing you need to set-up MELINK smart home products at home is a stable wireless internet connection, set-up on a bandwidth of 2.4 GHz. Most common routers have the possibility to either set-up dual band Wi-Fi frequency or separate them to 2.4 and 5 GHz. If you have this, the next thing to get is a MELINK smart home product and download the MELINK app on your mobile device.
  • What type of internet connections is needed to connect MELINK devices? add_circle_outline remove_circle_outline
    Currently all MELINK smart home products only support 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi bandwidth. Most common routers have the possibility to either set-up dual band Wi-Fi frequency or separate them to 2.4 and 5 GHz.
  • What is the system and hardware requirement for the MELINK application? add_circle_outline remove_circle_outline
    The mobile operating system requirements for the MELINK application are Android 6 and higher or iOS 9.0 or higher.
  • Where can I download the MELINK application? add_circle_outline remove_circle_outline
    The MELINK app is available for a free download on the Apple’s APP STORE and Google Play.
  • How many MELINK products can be added to the MELINK app? add_circle_outline remove_circle_outline
    There are no limits in terms of how many products can be added to the MELINK app.
  • Can I use Alexa, Google Assistant or Siri with the MELINK app? add_circle_outline remove_circle_outline
    Yes, the MELINK app and products are compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and Google Home and also Apple’s Siri.
  • How can I create an account on the MELINK application? add_circle_outline remove_circle_outline
    That’s simple! Download the MELINK app and follow the on-screen instruction to quickly set-up your account.
  • How can I add new products to the MELINK application? add_circle_outline remove_circle_outline
    First make sure that your device is connected to the desired Wi-Fi network. Next, open-up the MELINK app and tap on the “+” on the upper-right corner. Choose the device you want to add, or automatically scan for available devices. Follow the onscreen instructions to finish setting-up your device. Done! Quick and easy.
  • Can I arrange my home layout in the MELINK application? add_circle_outline remove_circle_outline
    Sure! In the app you have the possibility to manage the device, according to their location in your home. Just bring-up the “Room Management” feature from the main screen of the app. You can either add or remove rooms, and move devices into them to tidy-up the view of your devices.
  • Can I share my devices with other household members? add_circle_outline remove_circle_outline
    Yes! Created homes can be shared with other MELINK users or family members. Click on the “Home Management” tab, which is located in your profile (“ME”). Next, choose the HOME you want to manage and tap on “ADD MEMBER”. You can invite members by using the login of their existing MELINK account or by sending them an individual text message with an invite code.
  • The device failed to connect, what should I do? add_circle_outline remove_circle_outline
    Don’t worry, we’ve got this! First make sure your mobile device is connected to your Wi-Fi network, which is set-up on a 2.4 GHz bandwidth. Try to repeat the process of connecting your MELINK device in accordance with the instructions shown on the screen of the MELINK app. If the same error occurs, try connecting the device to a different Wi-Fi network.
  • Can MELINK products monitor energy consumption? add_circle_outline remove_circle_outline
    The MELINK WI-FI SMART SOCKET supports monitoring energy consumption, which can be tracked in the devices dashboard in the MELINK app.
  • Do MELINK products retain their settings if power is disconnected? add_circle_outline remove_circle_outline
    Yes, they should retain their settings and restore connection once power is restored.

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