Alexa Alexa


Flexibility and control

Monitor space in a wide vision range and during night time


Two-way communication

Fully communicate thanks to the built-in microphone and speaker


Movement detection

Receive instant PUSH notifications on the melink app about detected motion


Home Safety

Increase security at home with melink

Download app: Alexa Alexa

The MELINK WI-FI SMART IP CAMERA is a SMART HOME product, which can be remotely controlled using the intuitive MELINK application. The main task of the wi-fi camera is home monitoring in the absence of household members, however the parameters of the device and several additional functions from the application’s position allow for a much wider use.

The camera has a wide field of view and the ability to control the head vertically: 90 °, horizontally: 345 °, so for effective image viewing, we suggest installing the camera in the corner of the room. The built-in infrared (IR) diodes provide a clear high-definition image, also at night.

Additionally to the possibility of viewing a live feed, for safety, it is recommended to automatically save recordings that can be stored on a micro SD memory card with a maximum capacity of 32GB (no card included in the set) or “on command” to save recordings or screenshots on the phone from the application itself. Image and video recordings will work well for a long absence at home or for example in company monitoring. The recording is carried out using the H.264 codec in full HD 1080p quality.

The motion detection function in conjunction with configured PUSH notifications will notify the user e.g. in the event of a break-in. For additional archiving of the event, the camera will take a photo automatically.

Thanks to the built-in loudspeaker and microphone, the device can be used as a baby monitor, with the function of communication in both directions. The perfect solution for a small child’s room or, for example, to control a pet in the absence of household members.

The camera can be powered via the USB socket or the adapter included in the set.

The free MELINK app is available for Android and iOS. It is easy to use and enables the user to operate all SMART HOME MELINK devices conveniently and remotely from anywhere in the world. The device is compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Home devices, which have a built-in monitor.

360 rotate
360 rotate360 rotate

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Full specification

Wireless IEEE standards: Wi-Fi 2,4 GHz (802.11 b / g / n)

Security mechanism: WPA/WPA2/AES128/TLS1.2

Video quality: 1080p Ultra-low illumination

Sensor: CMOS 1/4'' 2 Mpix

Compression: H.264

Angle of view: 82° range (Head movement range: 345 ° horizontal and 90 ° vertical)

Recording of materials for a Micro SD card up to 32G

Movement detection function

Built-in microphone and speaker

Included with USB cable and EU power adapter

Status indication by blue LED

Compatible with the MELINK application

Compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant with video screens


Flexibility and control

Monitor space in a wide vision range and during night time


Two-way communication

Fully communicate thanks to the built-in microphone and speaker


Movement detection

Receive instant PUSH notifications on the melink app about detected motion


Home Safety

Remote control at anytime and anywhere in the world


Global Control

Remote control at anytime and anywhere in the world


Record and control

"Record in HD quality on mico SD memory card up to 32 GB (not included in the set)"


Electronic Nanny

Take care of close ones thanks to the electronic nanny function. Listen to live sounds, speak to the microphone and record video files with sound.


pełna specyfikacja MELINK WI-FI SMART IP CAMERA instruction manual

MELINK WI-FI SMART IP CAMERA instruction manual


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