Alexa Alexa


Energy meter

Control and monitor power consumption over time


Home Safety

Increase security at home with melink


Set-up your schedule

Create a schedule, set-up a timer and build quick Tap & Go commands



Group and control all melink products

Download app: Alexa Alexa

The MELINK WI-FI SMART SOCKET is a SMART HOME product, which can be remotely controlled using the intuitive MELINK application. The power strip allows you to add any electrical device to an intelligent management system at home, the office or garage, allowing to create a smart home environment. Control individual sockets and devices from anywhere, at any time.

Connecting standard home equipment to the Wi-Fi Smart Socket, such as radios, cooling fans etc allow them to become a remotely controlled integral part of a smart home system, although they are not SMART devices.

The French standard socket with a maximum current of 10A includes an energy meter function. This will allow you to control and view electricity consumption on an ongoing basis, detailed based on specific days, weeks, or months.

Through the MELINK application, it is possible to remotely control the socket – this guarantees additional security in the case of devices posing a threat in the absence of household members, e.g. iron, curling iron. It is also possible to set a schedule and a timer, which allow to turn the device on or off at a selected moment, for a specified period.

Group all MELINK electricity management devices to manage multiple products at the same time with one button or integrate them through MELINK “Tap & Go” commands, which allow to run pre-defined actions of different types devices with a tap of a button.

The free MELINK app is available for Android and iOS. It is easy to use and enables the user to operate all SMART HOME MELINK devices conveniently and remotely from anywhere in the world. The device is compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Home and Apple SIRI intelligent voice assistant systems

360 rotate
360 rotate360 rotate

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Full specification

Wireless IEEE standards: Wi-Fi 2.4GHz (802.11 b/g/n)

Security mechanism: WPA/WPA2/AES128/TLS1.2

Socket size: 58x58x78mm

Voltage range: 230V~, 50 Hz, Max. 2300W

Max current: 10A

Socket Type: French

Power Meter Function

Timer Function

Countdown function

Schedule Timer

Status indication by blue LED

Compatible with the MELINK application

Compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and Apple SIRI


Energy meter

Control and monitor power consumption over time


Home Safety

Increase security at home with melink


Set-up your schedule

Create a schedule, set-up a timer and build quick Tap & Go commands



Group and control all melink products


Global Control

Remote control at anytime and anywhere in the world


Voice Control

Works with voice assistants Ok Google, Amazon Alexa or SIRI


pełna specyfikacja MELINK WI-FI SMART SOCKET instruction manual

MELINK WI-FI SMART SOCKET instruction manual


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